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04 December 2017
Par Catherine Ris

I am enrolled as thirst-year PhD student in Economics at the University of New-Caledonia, research center in Law and Economics (LARJE). Currently, I work as a Research Officer within the doctoral programme for the New Caledonian Institute for Skill Development (IDC NC), observatory service in Employment, Qualifications, Wages and Training (OEQSF). My PhD scholarship is + Lire la suite


After achieving a law degree in 2012, Margot UZAN-MARCESCHE carried on an online degree course with the university of Toulouse 1 Capitole. In 2013 and 2014, she obtained a Master 1 (4th year of university) of corporate law with a social law option and a Master 2 (5th year of university) of law and management + Lire la suite

01 December 2017
Par Céline Muron