PIPSA 2019 Conference ‘Democracy, Sovereignty and Self-Determination in the Pacific Islands’ 25-27 June 2019
L’Université de la Nouvelle-Calédonie, via le LARJE, accueillera la conférence 2019 de la PIPSA (Pacific Islands Political Studies Association). Il s’agit d’un réseau influent des chercheurs en sciences politiques des universités du Pacifique. Les colloques sont essentiellement en anglais. Les communications en français seront également les bienvenues à Nouméa. L’appel à communication est ici :
Conference Announcement and Call for Papers
The conference theme draws attention to broad issues and challenges that remain at the centre of political concerns around the Pacific, from the different ways in which democracy is (or is not) practised in the region to the varied political status of Pacific Island countries and territories and their relations with former or current colonial powers. Democracy, sovereignty and self-determination also raise issues of inclusion and exclusion along the lines of gender, race, ethnicity and class all of which are implicated in access to political status, agency, influence and ultimately power. Sovereignty and self-determination have particular resonance in the wake of the New Caledonian referendum, the relisting of French Polynesia on the UN list of Non-Self-Governing Territories, the forthcoming referendum in Bougainville and the status of West Papua, as well as the existential threats to the Pacific region posed by climate change and rising sea levels. Papers are welcome on these and any other aspects of politics in the Pacific Islands, whether in the local, domestic, regional or global spheres.
Individual paper proposals should take the form of an abstract of no more than 300 words. Panel proposals should provide a title of the panel as a whole, a panel abstract, and a list of speakers. French language papers, panels and presentations are welcome.
The deadline for paper and panel proposals is Thursday 28th February 2019. Please submit your abstracts through this link: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/FB7SH7W
Acceptances will be issued as soon as possible after that date. However, those submitting abstracts ahead of the deadline, and wish to apply for travel funds, make early flight bookings etc., may ask for an earlier response (email kerryn.baker@anu.edu.au). Registration information will be sent out in early 2019.
There will be travel grants available for Pacific Islander scholars to attend the 2019 PIPSA conference. If you wish to apply for a grant, please indicate on the abstract submission form and send a CV to kerryn.baker@anu.edu.au.