Colloque PIPSA 2019: « Démocratie, souveraineté et autodétermination dans le Pacifique »

L’Association d’études politiques du Pacifique PIPSA (Pacific Islands Political Studies Association) a organisé à l’UNC un colloque sur le thème « Démocratie, souveraineté et autodétermination dans le Pacifique ». Ce colloque s’est fait en partenariat avec le Département des Affaires Pacifiques de l’Australian National University.

Vous pouvez accéder aux podcasts des interventions en suivant le lien de la chaîne YouTube de l’Université ici :

Deux conférences sur la situation de la Nouvelle-Calédonie ouvertes à tous, en français, se sont tenues que vous retrouverez en podcast. 

  1. Mardi 25 juin à 17h30 : « Rétrospective des échéances de l’Accord de Nouméa » par I. Le Blic, PC. Pantz, et S. Gorohouna ;
  2. Mercredi 26 juin à 17h30 : « Prospective sur la sortie de l’Accord de Nouméa » par S. Blaise, C. David, M. Chauchat, N. Mac Lellan.

Le programme détaillé est ici : PIPSA Program Final 17 06

Le colloque fera l’objet d’une publication académique.

Aperçu :

Pacific Islands Political Studies Association Conference

Democracy, Sovereignty and Self-Determination in the Pacific Islands

From 25 – 27 June 2019, the ANU Department of Pacific Affairs will be co-convening the PIPSA (Pacific Islands Political Studies Association) conference with the University of New Caledonia, under the theme of ‘Democracy, Sovereignty and Self-Determination in the Pacific Islands’.

In 2019 this theme has particular resonance following the New Caledonian referendum, the relisting of French Polynesia on the UN list of Non-Self-Governing Territories, the forthcoming referendum in Bougainville, violence in West Papua, as well as the existential threats to the Pacific region posed by climate change and rising sea levels. Conference sessions will be in English and in French, covering topics including evolving forms of sovereignty in the Pacific; climate change; security; decolonisation; international relations; land rights and natural resources; and gender and politics.

The keynote address will be delivered by Colin Tukuitonga, Director-General of the Pacific Community: ‘Self Determination and Development in the Pacific Islands: Who is Driving the Agenda?’


Tuesday 25 June

8am-8.30am Registration and Welcome tea and coffeeAmphi 400 (Entry)



Opening SessionAmphi 400

8.30am-8.45am Welcome by UNC President

8.45am-9am Welcome by PIPSA President

9am-10am Keynote Address:

Self Determination and Development in the Pacific Islands – who is driving the agenda?

Colin Tukuitonga, Pacific Community Director-General

10.00am – 10.30am Morning TeaAmphi 400 (Entry)
10.30am – 12pm  Parallel Sessions 1Gender and Politics (Room L30)

Land, Development and Democracy (Room L31)

West Papua (Room L32)

12pm – 1pm LunchForum
1pm – 2.30pm Parallel Sessions 2Politics of Western Melanesia (Room L30)

Dealing with multiculturalism and universalism in the political and social context of Kanaky-New Caledonia (Room L31)

3pm-4.30pm  Parallel Sessions 3Challenges to Sovereignty (Room L30)

Décolonisation et citoyenneté de la Nouvelle-Calédonie (Room L31)

4.30pm – 5pm Afternoon teaAmphi 400 (Entry)
5.30pm-6.30pm Plenary SessionAmphi 400

Nouvelle-Calédonie – Rétrospective des échéances de l’Accord de Nouméa


Wednesday 26 June


8am-8.30am Welcome tea and coffeeRoom L33
8.30am-10am Parallel Sessions 4International Relations and Transnationalism in the Contemporary Pacific (Room L30)

Politics of the French Pacific (Room L31)

Evolving Forms of Sovereignty (Room L32)

10am – 10.30am Morning TeaRoom L33
10.30am – 12pm Parallel Sessions 5Small Island States in International Organisations (Room L30)

The Political Economy of Resources (Room L31)

12pm – 1pm LunchForum
1pm – 2.30pm  Parallel Sessions 6Decolonisation and Self-Determination in the Pacific (Room L30)

Everyday Politics (Room L31)

Les souverainetes conflictuelles en Nouvelle-Caledonie (Room L32)

230pm – 4.00pm  Parallel Sessions 7Teaching Pacific Politics (Room L30)

Pathways to Resilience: Interdisciplinary Perspectives (Room L31)

4pm-4.30pm Afternoon teaForum
5.30pm-6.30pm  Plenary Session

Amphi 400

Nouvelle-Calédonie : Prospective sur la sortie de l’Accord de Nouméa